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힐링쉴드 삼성 노트북 오딧세이Z NT850XAC 시크릿가드 안티블루 4 in 1 보안필름 HS1763798, 1세트
에 대해 소개합니다.
힐링쉴드 삼성 노트북 오딧세이Z NT850XAC 시크릿가드 안티블루 4 in 1 보안필름 HS1763798, 1세트
📄 목차
사용자 리뷰
리뷰 #1위
Installation Part Guide
The marked part as below is the actual position to be applied for the protection film.
Components Notice
The images provided are for reference only and may not represent the actual appearance of the product. Includes Secret Guard 4in1 security kit, Micro-fiber cleaner, and double-sided adhesive sticker.
Important Notices
– The design, color of components, and package can be changed for quality improvement without prior notice.
– LCD deviation is not a defect (some manufacturers may have LCD deviation during production).
– Please check the installation part and manual before purchasing.
Purchase Reminder
Before purchasing, make sure to check the product name, installation part, and follow the installation instructions provided. The device images on the product detail page are created to assist in understanding the product description and may vary from the actual device image.
품명 및 모델명 | 시크릿가드 안티블루 4 in 1 보안기/보안필름 | 인증/허가 사항 | 해당없음 |
제조국(원산지) | 대한민국 | 제조자(수입자) | 주)폰트리 |
소비자상담 관련 전화번호 | 쿠팡 고객센터 1577-7011 |
은하수창고 📄 https://galaxy-warehouse.com/
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